Time travel – India
In the ancient Indian text of the Mahabharata, written in the eighth century BC, King Raivata is described as traveling to the heavens to meet with the creator god Brahma, only to return to Earth hundreds of years in the future. Some researchers believe this Hindu tale may be one of the oldest records of successful time travel in the ancient past. So there’s, in fact, the story of a king called Raivata, and he is taken into space to see the gods, when he returns to the Earth he finds that many years have passed and in fact its been hundreds of years, time travel?. Some attribute that this is the kind of thing that would happen to space travelers and in time travel.
Time Travel to the Future Is Real
Few subjects in science evoke more emotion than time travel. Humankind’s fascination with time travel dates back thousands of years. Although, there is no consensus recognizing which written work was the first to discuss time travel, many scholars argue that the Mahabharata, from Hindu mythology, is the first, dating between 700 BCE (Before the Common/Current/Christian Era) to 300 CE (Common/Current/Christian Era). The Mahabharata, which is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, relates the story of King Revaita, who travels to heaven to meet the deity Brahma. When King Revaita returns to Earth, he is shocked to learn that many ages have passed. In today’s science, we would say that King Revaita experienced “time dilation,” which I will discuss in detail below.
Although many people believe that time travel is strictly science fiction, it is not. Actually, as odd as this may sound, we are all time travelers. We are traveling from the present to the future. Since all of us move at speeds far below the speed of light, we are essentially all moving in time at the same rate. We measure our movement in time in arbitrary units. The measurement may be in seconds, minutes, hours, etc., based on a conventional clock, or we may be measuring our movement in time on an atomic clock, which is the most accurate type of clock humankind has developed to measure the passage of time.
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